Jack - Medical Hold    Jack - Medical Hold    Jack - Medical Hold    Jack - Medical Hold    Jack - Medical Hold    Jack - Medical Hold    Jack - Medical Hold    Jack - Medical Hold    Jack - Medical Hold    Jack - Medical Hold    Jack - Medical Hold   
Jack - Medical Hold
ID: 05799-25
Black Labrador Retriever (mix)
Gender: Male
Neutered: No
Color: Black and White
Size: Large
Weight: 71 lbs.
Tail: N/A
Collar: Orange Martingale
Age: 2 years (approx.)
Available now
Location: In foster care
In addition to the adoption fee of $500, I will require a training deposit of $150 which is fully refundable upon completion of a training course.

Foster Update - I have the pleasure of being Jack’s foster. It has been just Jack and I. Here is what I know about Jack’s present levels from this past week: Overall - Jack is a friendly, smart, curious, and affectionate boy. He loves to give kisses and get his belly rubbed. Car rides - Jack needs a barrier to prevent him from going into the front seats. He gets very excited and would love to give kisses and get pets while you’re driving. Housebroken - Jack is 100% potty trained. He has never had an accident inside. Walks - Jack loves his walks. He will tap you with his nose and look at you a few times during the walk. It’s so sweet. He really wants to catch a lizard or a bird. He wants to say Hi to every human and dog that is near. He needs some leash training to not pull and not cross in front of you from side to side. Commands - Jack knows sit and lay down. We’re working on stay, leave it, and not jumping up on people. He does not counter surf. Sleep - Jack has been sleeping where he wants at night time. He has been alternating between my bed and a fluffy rug. He has a dog bed in the room, but prefers the fluffy rug. Shadow - Jack follows me around the house wherever I go. If I get up from a seated position, he gets up and follows me. When I take a shower, he’s waiting right there for me when I get out. If you like your privacy in the bathroom, you’ll need to hurry in there and shut the door quickly. Crate - Jack will go in the crate for treats and will occasionally go in the crate to lie down on the dog bed in there. However, he does not want you to shut the door and will bark and whine. We are working on this. Toys - Jack loves every toy that he has been given. He loves to play. When you can’t keep an eye on him, make sure you put certain things away. Jack loves to get shoes and clothes from the laundry basket. Food - Jack loves a Kong filled with peanut butter and every dog treat and chew he’s been given. Jack has an adorable patch of white on his chest and rear paws. He is such a lovebug! Introduction - Jack was kenneled at a shelter with two other large male dogs. He was happy to go for a walk and have some private time in the play yard to go potty and get one on one love. Jack knows sit. He likes affection. Jack wants to work for treats. He is going to be fun to train. He really wants to please you. Jack jumped right in our van and went into a crate without any issues. Please check back with us as we learn more about Jack.

•Good with dogs •Housetrained •Current on vaccinations
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