Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold    Keeley - Training Hold       
Keeley - Training Hold
ID: 05741-24
Black Labrador Retriever (mix)
Gender: Female
Spayed: Yes
Color: Black
Size: Large
Weight: 63 lbs.
Tail: N/A
Collar: Pink Martingale
Age: 1 year (approx.)
Available now
Location: In foster care
In addition to the adoption fee of $500, I will require a training deposit of $150 which is fully refundable upon completion of a training course.

Foster Update #4 - Hi Everyone! I wanted to let you all know that I'm doing GREAT! So great I'm going to be at the adoption event on January 11th. I hope you can come and meet me! I have been going on walks everyday day and they are getting easier and longer. I even go to the park every couple of days. On my walks I get to meet all kinds of people and dogs. It is so much fun and I've made lots of new friends! I like - Going on walks - Playing with other doggies - Playing with my toys and going "shopping" in the toy box. - Doing zoomies - Playing in the kiddie pool - Cuddling on the couch and bed if I'm allowed - Going on car rides I can - Entertain myself with my toys - Do sit, down, wait, wait for my food until it's okay, stay, back up, and respond to "here" and slow down. I am a really good, sweet, smart girl who learns very fast. I hope I get a new home with a big yard to run in, a family who likes to cuddle and play, and maybe a doggie sister or brother to play with. I look forward to meeting you!! Foster Update #3 - Keeley is a happy girl and a love bug! Observations of her so far: - Loves to lean in for loves and sit in your lap like a puppy. - Seems to love other dogs of all sizes. - Good on the leash. - Knows sit, down, wait, stay. - She sleeps well in a crate over night. - No accidents in the house after the first day in her new foster home. - She will counter surf and jump up. - Can be easily frightened by sudden movements, fast hand movements and loud voices. - Once she warms up to you, she is a love and will look to you for support when she is frightened. - Must be in a calm, all adult home or where children are older. - Probably best to be in a one story home. While she is navigating the stairs fine, later in life they may become difficult. Update #2 - Keeley has been cleared from her medical hold and has moved to a different foster home now that she has completed her rehab. Stay tuned for updates!

Update #1 - Keeley has had surgery by an orthopedic specialist. Her injuries were more severe than had been anticipated but we are hopeful for a successful recovery. Please check back to follow Keeley’s journey.

Introduction - Keeley was found on a freeway hit by a car and suffered severe injuries to her right side and right leg. She was taken to a shelter where her large laceration on her side was stitched and X-rays taken of her right leg. Keeley’s humerus is broken and nerve damage suspected. She is now at our vet where the best course of treatment will be determined for this very sweet lab. Please join us in keeping good thoughts for her.

•Good with cats •Good with dogs •Housetrained •Current on vaccinations
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